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Focus on Credu - Connecting Carers in Powys

Who is Credu?

Credu supports Carers and their families in Powys. They help Carers to look after their loved ones and take care of themselves as individuals.

Credu provide

  • regular newsletters

  • information and resources online

  • confidential advice and support in person through our team of Outreach Workers and our Carers Information Leads

  • opportunities to meet other carers in the area through groups, activities and trips

  • carer wellbeing assessments

  • advocacy for dealing with other service providers and supporting carers to represent themselves

  • counselling sessions

  • training opportunities

Credu work very closely with Statutory (public services) and Third Sector (voluntary and charity) organisations, as well as with Carers, in order to provide services throughout Powys. Credu help professionals in other sectors to support Carers effectively, for example in schools, housing and health.

Credu listen to Carers and feed their views back to local and national policy makers and decision makers. They carry out consultations and feed back suggestions for improving services for Carers and play an active part in promoting Carers' rights. It is a key part of their role to help build awareness about Carers; their role and their needs - both locally and nationally.

There is no membership fee and Credu rely on funding to share their resources freely with Carers and their families.

Kathryn Jarvis, our local Credu Outreach Worker holds regular Support Sessions at The Arches. If you would like more information or to attend a session at The Arches; please contact Kathryn on 07495 532490.

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